Thursday 24 September 2009

sadly no more

Mystery of malakai.
Harvey and I will be reporting of our adventure but i sadly had to have Kai pts last week.

Nothing more really to say about it anymore, I am sad but I had no other choice. He needed more than I or anyone else could give. maybe if I had him years before I did I may have been able to help him but it wasn't to be. It was the 2 year anniversary of sand passing on that day and I like to think he came and took him away to play up high.

So goodbye Kai, I'm sorry but I hope the last gift I gave you meant you are finally at rest. Enjoy your life with Sand and I hope you both are bright stars looking down on harvey and I and looking out for us both.

Monday 31 August 2009


I am pooped biglaughA.gif

We have moved the whole house into the front room so hopefully when the removals come we can load all the house stuff in one go then all the garage stuff on the second run. That is if it goes through this week, otherwise I am moving to a hotel until we move.

Back been rubbish all weekend and have struggled to do much at all so have lunged both of them. Kai I took out to the cow fields to lunge and although tense to start he settled and worked well. Lunged harv in the school and was a bit of an arse, all either flat out or thinks someone needs more practice!

Felt a little better today (read that as upped the drug dosage!) so decided to just give Kai a little wander in the school. Started well and he was as chilled as anything and then the cute little shetland sootie came in on the lead rein with small child bareback and whole family armed with cameras. Kai took instant dislike and hurled himself across the school emu style to get to the gate away from the monster. Luckily Mel was leading who is very sensible and asked how I wanted to play it. I asked her to just keep walking round and I would avoid her so managed to get him into canter and literally kicked, smacked and pulled him around the school to stop him from either leaping over the gate rolleyes.gif I was very pleased with my self as he was being full on tit but as I had a huge audience gathering by this stage (not sure they have seen behaviour like Kai losing it there for a while) so I had to stay on! Back was killing but I was not giving up. Mel took cute pony to stand in corner while I finished off and I asked if I could try bringing him a bit closer...he really did seem to think pony would eat him. As he was dripping from head to foot as was I we called it a day and as I got off one of the girls thrust a cup of tea in my hand and took him off me biglaughA.gif now that is a nice touch! bathed him, answered many questions as to why he is such an arse (or didn't answer as i don't know) and came home to lie on the floor and rest back.

Went back up the yard this evening and took harv over the set aside with andy and aero. Got on and he spooked at the missile launcher and went to spin to I belted him...but forgot to get my reins together first so galloped back into the yard much to andy's amusement as I was hanging over his shoulder laugh.gif

Got myself together and with a couple of debates on route he was actually ok. jumped the log in and we went off for a canter and andy followed behind on the shorter route. I decided he is less likely to spook if I sent him faster so we had a lovely working gallop all the round the first few fields and he was very polite and nice and forward. Hit the hill and kicked him on and he just flew all the way up, I have forgotten how fast but how much fun he can be. Met up with dog and Andy and we wandered back to the yard. Andy said we looked like racehorses in training up on the hill ... shows how much he still needs to learn! We are going to video us having a gallop up on the fields next week.We found how to get onto the disused railway from the field and I think I can probably get Kai onto there safely as it is prob 1/2 mile max to get there on the lane.

Had a lovely bhol weekend and now can't wait to get moved goodvibes.gif

Wednesday 19 August 2009

little bugger

day before yesterday Kai embarrassed me by charging out of his stable when I opened the door and galloped flat out to his field causing chaos to all the people in the school and catching there horses blush.gif

yesterday left them out 24 / 7 and when I got him in he was back to super chilled Kai but when I rode he was an tiny but unsound which I suspect was because of galloping flat out up the track.

Tonight han & lorna came for a hack in the sunshine so I could do chores so off they went into the fields. Kai had been in all day and was a little full of himself in the stable before they went but no worse than has dealt with before.

Anyway all was not well by all accounts and Kai amazingly behaved worse than he has ever acheived before, I'm so proud of my boy biglaughA.gif Seriously though it sounded pretty horrific.

I am convinced beyond anything it is to do with the grass, suger levels or something similiar. So I am going to chuck him out 24/7 for a few days and see if it makes a difference.

Sunday 16 August 2009


Had a chilled morning and left Kai and harv out to lunch time eek.gif I am being cruel aren't I biglaughA.gif

Went and watched A jumping at Onley and came back all keen to do something different so Lorna and I braved went for a mooch around the field biggrin.gif He was very good, a couple of moments when he got tense so I grabbed on and he got worse but luckily Lorna was there to shout at me to let go of his head and it really worked. Calm me meant calm him rolleyes.gif

I even got him to stand at the gate so very very very pleased with us both. Lorna gave me a free pass to go home early while she did chores hail.gif I now have dinner cooked and prepared for the next 3 nights.

Hoping to exchange this week but looking like it may slip by a week but I am surprisingly calm about it for once.

Friday 14 August 2009

very happy!

Kai was great tonight, sharp but I had more attitude than him biglaughA.gif

Took lorna and harv on a mini explore and watched them cavort around the new block with harv throwing his toes around! Sent them off for a gallop while I took a break and they came back with huge biggrin.gif on their faces!

Went for tea at the Orange tree and was lovely, still miss everyone but so nice to catch up with them all..tired now so off to bed!

Thursday 13 August 2009

silly ponies!

this getting up at 6am and getting home at 9pm is starting to wear me down a little.

Not so the boys rolleyes.gif I took harv for a gallop around the polo field tonight and boy was he full of himself biglaughA.gif there was a polo player practicing on the field and a man trying to take off with his microlight plane thing!!! it was a giant kite with an engine strapped to his body and harv was no so sure and to be fair neither was I. We had a gallop down the field and it is lovely with the ground so well maintained, he felt great til I had to stop and the brakes weren't too brilliant. Had a lovely mooch round the cow fields and wandered back big grins on our faces.

Kai also felt well and I had the most amazing trot work, he really took the contact forward and felt just fab, until he suddenly started spooking at everything for no reason and got himself in a real state. banghead.gif I tried everything and failed at everything apart from I didn't get off and give in. I stupidly had taken his martingale off so everytime he charged off I had no control at all.

going to get lorna to video so I can see what we are both doing but I think route cause for both are they are feeling bloody well. Harv gets funny and Kai gets a bit stupid.

Tuesday 4 August 2009


Today we went exploring but hired a local guide so we had half a chance of actually getting somewhere rolleyes.gif

So Han on Kai, me on harv and our guide M on a very nice 7yo TB called Charlie who belongs to Wes (the eventer) and is for sale.

Charlie looked quite sharp but M managed him well, Kai looked intrigued by it all again but was happy to give it a go, harv thought it was time to show everyone his ability to stop dead at every opportunity irrelevant at what pace we were going. We found quite a good technique to encourage him forward - han gave him a sharp tap with her schooling whip from behind so we could leap past whatever monster he thought was there biglaughA.gif

We had some fab canters across fields (must put gallopy tack on harv next time so we can actually go with some hope of stopping) Kai gallumped away next to us still with his slightly quizzical look and Charlie effortlessy floating along wondering what the hell was wrong with them laugh.gif Harv put in a few talented half pass steps in gallop which was very impressive.

I was so excited to find a road with a pedestrian and equine crossing - the buttons were high enough for horse riders (at 2 heights for big and small ones) and had a green and red horse rider man!!!! This may be normal to most people but just showed me how horsey the world is where we have moved to biggrin.gif There was a man with a strimmer there and Charlie showed his greeness by leaping around and past the post but M was unphased and just dealt with it very calmly. We went through the back of Rugby St Cross hosp and out the back - through an estate and then onto a disused railway which is so clear and perfect for ponies. we had a good trot along there broken up nicely by harv showing his half pass in trot move everytime I relaxed. M then asked if we fancied a gallop around the set aside fields on the way back to the yard but as we had been out for over 2hrs by that point we decided was prob a bit much for my two (and me and han by this point!) She showed us them as we went past and you have to pop a log and then there is acres and acres of fields to go round. One of those fields you see and think I would love to gallop round that .... well we can!!! We then came back on to the road and I realised this was all about 1/4 mile from the yard (had lost all bearings by then) so it is entirely feasible to have a canter round them before work or in winter have a run up the railway.

Showed Han the new house and then went for lunch at the local pub.

I haven't ever had hacking like this and just can't wait to get us all fit enough to be able to enjoy it properly - I may even be brave enough soon to go out on Kaibo biggrin.gif

Sunday 2 August 2009


Leapt out of bed this morning to find legs, back, arms and generally my whole body just wouldn't move. I suppose 2 days of lifting hoiking, dragging for about 12hours both days is paying its toll but I needed to get to the yard early to check Kai and Harv weren't on there backs with legs in the air with the huge amounts of grass they had. Actually wew were quite cruel because the patch they are in is about 2 stables wide which I will gradually extend once they graze it down a bit.

All in all they have settled well - both a bit noisy but OK.

Met Lorna at NW and we gutted old stables and had a general sort out. After a few coffees and socialising I rushed back to Onley to make sure ponies still alive (seems to be the theme of this weekend rolleyes.gif ). All ok so decided to ride Kai. Lunged him first and he was ok so lorna helped me on and there was 1 little "mmmmnnnn not really sure about this" moment fro him - he got an " well I am so off we go" and he was fab biggrin.gif

Worked him quite hard and practised all our new little tricks and even though the men in camouflage were doing there best to shoot us (the school is next to a paintballing place - very odd!) he was just brilliant. Very pleased with my riding as I actually gained some balls for the first time.

Then Lorna and Harv went exploring with me on foot. We decided to just go through to the main EC and have a mooch around a bit of the 1000 acres they have there. So off we went down a lovely little track and got to the motorway bridge we have to cross - no probs there, and down to the first gate into our new land of hacking ....fields! Lorna went in and I started trying to close the gate. Ahhh a cow I said ...lorna started eeking at me and asking could I hurry as there was a few more cows coming over. I couldn't see them as there was a little hedge in the way but as I walked around it there were about 50 of them all coming over to us and I'm on foot biglaughA.gif we left at a brisk walk with me hiding behind harv and lorna. went under the bridge where a tank was hiding (I kid you not!). Harvey very brave, across some fields to the polo fields but i had a little spook half way across as a pheasant flew out under my feet - harvey didn't even blink biglaughA.gif we made it home without any further cow issues but had great fun on first day of exploring.

So far so good with the boys, lorna and my new home, Need to sort the paddock tomorrow and get lots of handles for the electric as it is very strong or so we are told, neither of us are actually going to risk trying it biglaughA.gif

Saturday 1 August 2009

the move

entry Today, 07:02 PM
Fran lesson first - I think I got some balls!

Worked on getting in really forward and quicker off the leg and if we didn't go ...we galloped!!!!!!!!!! Well actually more of a gallumping which is what kai does biglaughA.gif

Very pleased with the beast.

And then we moved yards. Simple eh rolleyes.gif When I am not so exhaused will give a full report but basically all went well. Horses are settled and in a very very very little paddock within my field bit due to amount of grass. Both were perfectly behaved and I am very proud of them. Kai did have his tummy lines ...stress maybe dunno.gif but munched his way though about 10 haynets

It is ok there, and and the hacking is so good not one person rode in the school all day ...on a saturday! Very emotional day but it wasnt as bad as I thought it was going to be and massive massive sloppy.gif to Lorna who is always there by mine and the boys sides. Andy and G were also just amazing and they actually travelled the boys while Lorna and I went shopping biglaughA.gif

So bye bye Netherwood .... a new start ahead of us.

Wednesday 29 July 2009


don't want to leave :(

Monday 27 July 2009

bad bad me

Kai was colicy / ulcery today and it makes sense with his behaviour yesterday. After being so good until yesterday he did do a little bunny hope when I got on but I ignored it.

I have changed his hay through being to lazy to go and collect the stuff he is used to and had some ordered in with the rest of the yard. It is lovely green new hay all fluffy and tasty. I noticed yesterday he had eaten all hay both morning and lunch by the time I got down at 2pm but thought he was a greedy pig. Anyway it appears it is 1) too rich and 2) he is eating in at a rate on knots so he is going from 2pm with rich grass in his belly and nothing to eat to keep his acid down. So so so cross with myself banghead.gif He was really bloated tonight and had rubbed all his tail out again. YO also mentioned he had been not quite right at lunchtime and she had noticed how much wind he had so it all add up = bad mummy.

To top it off I had run out of pink powder and thought would do a big shop at the weekend for when we move so clearly the combination has made Kai feel a bit poorly again.

So pissed off - was supposed to be having a good last week and getting as much confidence as I can but the best made plans and all that. I'm hoping Hannah may be able to work her magic and get on him and I am chucking as much crap hay down his neck as I can. managed to buy some pink powder so have him on double dose. goodvibes.gif he gets back to normal soon

Tuesday 21 July 2009


We have had an offer on ours and we have accepted so hopefully tomorrow it will all go through. They want us out within 6 weeks though eek.gif

House number 1 (castle mound) that we had been in talks with all week decided to go with original person despite us having offered a lot more. They felt they were a week down the line and wanted to continue - wish we had bloody known but it happens.

House number 2 - pukey sick decor house. We are going to put an offer in so please :goodvibe: like mad that we get as offer accepted. It is over budget so we will have little funds to start to get it decorated thought so pukey will have to stay biglaughA.gif

Kai went jumping with aunty H and he went really well. Very pleased with him and he got his first clear round. They looked very proffesional together and a few people watching made comments over how stunning he is wub.gif Han rode him fab too so hopefully he will make a sj'er for her after all. Really pleased how well he kept his head despite hundreds of people all in the cr together.

So tomorrow may be the day - otherwise we may end up homeless cold.gif

Sunday 19 July 2009

Fran lesson

After a slightly close call leading Phe out to the field and hurting my arm I did actually manage to do my lesson although have a very sore wrist now and def think it is a strain sad.gif Better than a break though rolleyes.gif

Anyway got on and walked / trotted round. He feels much more settled in his head and has moments of stretching down without coming overbent. The problem is when he takes the contact he goes over bent but when he stretches on loose rein he doesn't. So just need to perserve and sit very quietly and let him build strength and confidence and it should come. Must remember to test the SI is true by offering the inside rein and pray it all should all stay in place biglaughA.gif

Leg yield and shoulder in much improved. Got to try and keep the trot swinging and soft through the ly. Worked on slow med trot into shoulder in to get a little more elevation and the SI into Med trot. He tried his little heart out on this one wub.gif

Canter trans are much more responsive and I was pleased with them today although he still struggles taking the contact forward and the second I over the inside rein to stretch down he falls into trot. Very banghead.gif but it is improving so need to stay calm about it.

Aunty H back so he can have some fun again - will see if she can hack him for me again and we are off to S'hull doing SJ on tues so he will like that.

Only 1 more weekend at the yard until we leave sad.gif

Friday 17 July 2009


We hired out the school at solihull and took both boys along for a play. It was horrid weather and really windy and spooky even though we were in the covered school at solihull. Kai was a little tense to start off but walked round on a loose rein for 10 mins to let him settle then worked on trot. Kept him nice and soft in an outline but working on stretching. Much harder when he is out but shoulder in and leg yield feel much quicker off my leg.

So on to canter trans. The first few were car crash tv :kopfpatsch:

need to work on .... sitting trot, nice and bouncy - outside leg back and ask for canter - ensure contact remains consistant - keep lower leg long and soft - DO NOT TIP FORWARD AND DRIVE - and if he doesn't take the canter and rushes stay calm slow the trot and ask again......sounds simple doesn't it!!

I actually got some nice trans on the left rein but I just found he couldn't keep the canter forward no matter what I did after. He just runs out of energy it feels like. Can't wait for F lesson on Sunday to work on it again and explain what Ken is getting me doing.

After we finished took him out of school - nearly ended on head when he couldn't coordinate getting his legs over the little step to get out. We led the way with harv behind and then went in outdoor. He was quite spooky but nothing stupid and we had a mooch round.

Left it there - really pleased with him and progress :wub: he really tries sometimes.

Need to get Aunty H to do some fun stuff with him and get him out in the week jumping or something, going to pop a few fences at home tomorrow hopefully to do something different - may do a little gridwork.

House update - well we are after the Castle house and I have had the remortgage approved on this house so hoping if all goes well with Andy's bit we can put a proper offer in on Monday. If not I have fallen upon a lovely 4 bed in the next village along so we are off for a nosey tomorrow. It isn't the perfect home and carpets are :doublepuke: but it looks huuuge from the pics and garden looks really nice so an extra 2 miles from yard but still really nice village and 2 miles closer to work so doesn't make the round trip much further. Had a house viewing yesterday which went well and they seemed to like it - we are on their shortlist anyway. I'm feeling really positive about it all despite lorna reminding me we move the horses in 2 weeks :eek:

Leaving trailer and stuff at yard until we move house, feel happier having it where I know it is safe until I move house.

So thats it for the moment - womdering if I should do a leaving do before or after we leave :dunno: kind of don't want one as it means it is all real!

Wednesday 15 July 2009

one step forward

Kai's mouth is much better so worked on a loose contact on canter trans. Still shocking but we got a couple!

really pleased with him so we wandered up track on our own........for those that know this is a massive achievement. Calm and happy!

House has gone bad, perfect house has had an offer put in and accepted so we have had to go down route of investigating buying without selling this one which we didn't really want to do but offer should be put in tomorrow if all going well. I WANT that house!

Harvey looked fab tonight with Lorna, really pleased with them :)

Saturday 11 July 2009

Ken report and Broken poinies

Ok positive first - Friday Ken lesson on Kai.

Ken lesson was hard work. We started working on stretching him in walk and trot and Kai really felt quite flat. None of his usually exuberance for life and really lazy. Then we worked on moving the trot forward and then slowing, not medium . collected but more variation on working trot.

Next some leg yield. Toward the fence Kai is quite good but on the arena long side he just really gets sticky. tried asking for outside bend as we came off the bend and pushing across that way. At one point Kai just stopped and wouldn't move forward again.

Trot canter trans - think we shocked Ken firstly how bad they are and secondly how hopelessly I rode them :kopfpatsch: After about 5 attempts we got it and actually the canter was nice and quite uphill. Ken was pleased with that so we left it at that. I was really pleased with him but felt my riding was poor so Ken agreed to work on the next lesson a bit more on me.

So today got to yard and watched some of the lessons. Lorna rode harv who still isn't right. His feet are really crumbling and we suspect he may have an abscess. Getting top spec for him and farrier to look at his feet if he can this week or will need to get vet to look.

My lesson wasn't til 7.30 so watched a few more then tacked up kai for his lesson. Had put his bridle on and headcollar over the top. Got his saddle and as I did his girth he turned his head round to the side and as he went back caught the ring of his bit onto the bolt hinge bit of the door. He paniced and pulled back and the whole bit and bolt got stuck through his mouth. He slipped over which made it worse but then sort of got up and just stood with the bolt stuck through his mouth. I was shouting for help and just couldn't get him free. Thought it was a fire brigade job. Somehow the headpiece snapped under the pressure but I still couldn't get his mouth free. He was so good and just stood staring at me as if to ask me to help. Somehow I grapped the bit in his mouth and put all my weight onto it to take the pressure of his head and it seemed enought for him to pull free. but as he did there was a huge cracking noise.

Couple of the girls had got to us by then and he was shaking as was I so we chucked a rug on and got some ice packs onto his mouth. I was convinced he had fractured his jaw and when we took his bridle of his mouth would hang but thankfully it didn't. One side was swelling quite badly and Democraatic Diamond was fab holding ice on him for 20 mins while I was just hopeless.

Vet came and he has bad swelling inside his mouth and out but he really seems to have got off lightly. There could be a hairline fracture and he is concerned by the noise we heard and when he is chewing there is a slight crack noise but that could be normal just not listened that carefully before to him eating. Got to see how he is tomorrow.

:bawling: so gutted. He was going so well and yet again something happens to stop it all - and break my lovely new bridle :(

Thursday 9 July 2009

Poles and rising school pony!

Jazzed it up tonight by using poles, practised having 2 on a dog leg to ork on straightness then 2 with a 5 stride distance between. Really pleased with him and although a little keen on occasions it really gave u both something different to concentrate on.

Then Lorna had a ride. So please with him :) You could tell he knew it was someone new on him but he was super chilled and even lazy.

Ken lesson tomorrow - woop woop!

Wednesday 8 July 2009

I have a question ....

I decided to practise what we were working on with F on Sunday. So started long and low, stretchy then started picking him up and asking for lateral work and then it all went wrong. I couldn't quite get any of it to work :(

So when schooling is it best to

a) pick one thing and work on it until you get it right

b) work on various different things through the session to get variety but accept you aren't going to get it as good but the horse won't get bored.

c) have a few different things you want to work on but pick different things each session to work?

I just felt like I was accepting 40% of what I know he can do (compared to in lesson) but I do know he was trying hard but just couldn't quite get it right.

I need to get him to move away & more off my leg. He just feels like a block of wood. Also tonight he was getting really strong in my hand - he isn't going anywhere and when I soften my hand and put him on a circle to slow and balance him he responds.

I seem to be expecting perfection don't I and have only been riding him again for a few weeks! I am actually happy I am having this debate!!!!

Tuesday 7 July 2009

One little step forward

Decided to go and hack. Now bearing in mind this is how it all went wrong the first time I am clearly stupid. Anyway went off with harry and had to really belt him to get him out of the gate but he went past all the scary wheelie bins no prob so settled back to relax and enjoy. Got 3/4 way up the lane with no issues and we pulled in to let a bike past.

Well that was it and we needed to go home, span and reared not high but enough. I decided I had enough and wanted to get off then got cross so shortened reins, kicked hard, smacked behind saddle and really rode. Heart was in mouth with how he would react but with a small rear and little jump forward off we went again.

Went out for about 45 mins and led the way most of the way with no further issues. I can't say I enjoyed it and he did test me but we got through it so I am pleased with myself.

Hoping to go to the club tomorrow to hire out the school, will have to see if they can get it booked tomorrow biggrin.gif

Sunday 5 July 2009

Happy first entry

OK, well it's the first lesson I have had since officially giving up on never riding kai again biglaughA.gif

Started working in walk doing figures of 8, stretching over his back and then the same in trot. ensuring getting the bend of the next rein before actually going in that direction.

Back to walk and asking for leg yield on both reins concentrating on keeping slight inside bend as he goes and a steady outside contact. Into trot and I felt he was really soft in my hand and right rein we had some really lovely LY. Left rein is always a bit stickier with him and he only gave a few strides but something to work on.

The we did some shoulder in in trot on the long side and asking for a more forward trot on the short sides to sharpen him up again. Then we changed it and did SI on the short side and asked for medium trot on the long side. Kai tried his heart out and managed about 4 or 5 strides of a massive trot then I collected him back up before he lost his balance but it was a real biggrin.gif moment.

Then we did some canter and worked on sending the canter forward then collecting it up before letting him ome back into trot. He has a really bad habit of falling into trot and flinging his left shoulder out to balance himself. We worked on really getting the canter as small as possible before asking for downward trans and we kind of managed it but lots more to practise. Trot canter trans = ask then wait for it to happen. Not ask then will him into canter rolleyes.gif
seems so easy when you are told isn't it!

Fran said he is going a lot better and today he felt so much more uphill and constant in his outline. Only tried to take my nose off on a few occasions.

Really pleased with him wub.gif Also have a master plan that once we have moved I will bring him back for fran lessons, will do him good to travel, work then go back but where we both feel safe and comfortable.