Friday 17 July 2009


We hired out the school at solihull and took both boys along for a play. It was horrid weather and really windy and spooky even though we were in the covered school at solihull. Kai was a little tense to start off but walked round on a loose rein for 10 mins to let him settle then worked on trot. Kept him nice and soft in an outline but working on stretching. Much harder when he is out but shoulder in and leg yield feel much quicker off my leg.

So on to canter trans. The first few were car crash tv :kopfpatsch:

need to work on .... sitting trot, nice and bouncy - outside leg back and ask for canter - ensure contact remains consistant - keep lower leg long and soft - DO NOT TIP FORWARD AND DRIVE - and if he doesn't take the canter and rushes stay calm slow the trot and ask again......sounds simple doesn't it!!

I actually got some nice trans on the left rein but I just found he couldn't keep the canter forward no matter what I did after. He just runs out of energy it feels like. Can't wait for F lesson on Sunday to work on it again and explain what Ken is getting me doing.

After we finished took him out of school - nearly ended on head when he couldn't coordinate getting his legs over the little step to get out. We led the way with harv behind and then went in outdoor. He was quite spooky but nothing stupid and we had a mooch round.

Left it there - really pleased with him and progress :wub: he really tries sometimes.

Need to get Aunty H to do some fun stuff with him and get him out in the week jumping or something, going to pop a few fences at home tomorrow hopefully to do something different - may do a little gridwork.

House update - well we are after the Castle house and I have had the remortgage approved on this house so hoping if all goes well with Andy's bit we can put a proper offer in on Monday. If not I have fallen upon a lovely 4 bed in the next village along so we are off for a nosey tomorrow. It isn't the perfect home and carpets are :doublepuke: but it looks huuuge from the pics and garden looks really nice so an extra 2 miles from yard but still really nice village and 2 miles closer to work so doesn't make the round trip much further. Had a house viewing yesterday which went well and they seemed to like it - we are on their shortlist anyway. I'm feeling really positive about it all despite lorna reminding me we move the horses in 2 weeks :eek:

Leaving trailer and stuff at yard until we move house, feel happier having it where I know it is safe until I move house.

So thats it for the moment - womdering if I should do a leaving do before or after we leave :dunno: kind of don't want one as it means it is all real!

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