Saturday 11 July 2009

Ken report and Broken poinies

Ok positive first - Friday Ken lesson on Kai.

Ken lesson was hard work. We started working on stretching him in walk and trot and Kai really felt quite flat. None of his usually exuberance for life and really lazy. Then we worked on moving the trot forward and then slowing, not medium . collected but more variation on working trot.

Next some leg yield. Toward the fence Kai is quite good but on the arena long side he just really gets sticky. tried asking for outside bend as we came off the bend and pushing across that way. At one point Kai just stopped and wouldn't move forward again.

Trot canter trans - think we shocked Ken firstly how bad they are and secondly how hopelessly I rode them :kopfpatsch: After about 5 attempts we got it and actually the canter was nice and quite uphill. Ken was pleased with that so we left it at that. I was really pleased with him but felt my riding was poor so Ken agreed to work on the next lesson a bit more on me.

So today got to yard and watched some of the lessons. Lorna rode harv who still isn't right. His feet are really crumbling and we suspect he may have an abscess. Getting top spec for him and farrier to look at his feet if he can this week or will need to get vet to look.

My lesson wasn't til 7.30 so watched a few more then tacked up kai for his lesson. Had put his bridle on and headcollar over the top. Got his saddle and as I did his girth he turned his head round to the side and as he went back caught the ring of his bit onto the bolt hinge bit of the door. He paniced and pulled back and the whole bit and bolt got stuck through his mouth. He slipped over which made it worse but then sort of got up and just stood with the bolt stuck through his mouth. I was shouting for help and just couldn't get him free. Thought it was a fire brigade job. Somehow the headpiece snapped under the pressure but I still couldn't get his mouth free. He was so good and just stood staring at me as if to ask me to help. Somehow I grapped the bit in his mouth and put all my weight onto it to take the pressure of his head and it seemed enought for him to pull free. but as he did there was a huge cracking noise.

Couple of the girls had got to us by then and he was shaking as was I so we chucked a rug on and got some ice packs onto his mouth. I was convinced he had fractured his jaw and when we took his bridle of his mouth would hang but thankfully it didn't. One side was swelling quite badly and Democraatic Diamond was fab holding ice on him for 20 mins while I was just hopeless.

Vet came and he has bad swelling inside his mouth and out but he really seems to have got off lightly. There could be a hairline fracture and he is concerned by the noise we heard and when he is chewing there is a slight crack noise but that could be normal just not listened that carefully before to him eating. Got to see how he is tomorrow.

:bawling: so gutted. He was going so well and yet again something happens to stop it all - and break my lovely new bridle :(

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