Monday 31 August 2009


I am pooped biglaughA.gif

We have moved the whole house into the front room so hopefully when the removals come we can load all the house stuff in one go then all the garage stuff on the second run. That is if it goes through this week, otherwise I am moving to a hotel until we move.

Back been rubbish all weekend and have struggled to do much at all so have lunged both of them. Kai I took out to the cow fields to lunge and although tense to start he settled and worked well. Lunged harv in the school and was a bit of an arse, all either flat out or thinks someone needs more practice!

Felt a little better today (read that as upped the drug dosage!) so decided to just give Kai a little wander in the school. Started well and he was as chilled as anything and then the cute little shetland sootie came in on the lead rein with small child bareback and whole family armed with cameras. Kai took instant dislike and hurled himself across the school emu style to get to the gate away from the monster. Luckily Mel was leading who is very sensible and asked how I wanted to play it. I asked her to just keep walking round and I would avoid her so managed to get him into canter and literally kicked, smacked and pulled him around the school to stop him from either leaping over the gate rolleyes.gif I was very pleased with my self as he was being full on tit but as I had a huge audience gathering by this stage (not sure they have seen behaviour like Kai losing it there for a while) so I had to stay on! Back was killing but I was not giving up. Mel took cute pony to stand in corner while I finished off and I asked if I could try bringing him a bit closer...he really did seem to think pony would eat him. As he was dripping from head to foot as was I we called it a day and as I got off one of the girls thrust a cup of tea in my hand and took him off me biglaughA.gif now that is a nice touch! bathed him, answered many questions as to why he is such an arse (or didn't answer as i don't know) and came home to lie on the floor and rest back.

Went back up the yard this evening and took harv over the set aside with andy and aero. Got on and he spooked at the missile launcher and went to spin to I belted him...but forgot to get my reins together first so galloped back into the yard much to andy's amusement as I was hanging over his shoulder laugh.gif

Got myself together and with a couple of debates on route he was actually ok. jumped the log in and we went off for a canter and andy followed behind on the shorter route. I decided he is less likely to spook if I sent him faster so we had a lovely working gallop all the round the first few fields and he was very polite and nice and forward. Hit the hill and kicked him on and he just flew all the way up, I have forgotten how fast but how much fun he can be. Met up with dog and Andy and we wandered back to the yard. Andy said we looked like racehorses in training up on the hill ... shows how much he still needs to learn! We are going to video us having a gallop up on the fields next week.We found how to get onto the disused railway from the field and I think I can probably get Kai onto there safely as it is prob 1/2 mile max to get there on the lane.

Had a lovely bhol weekend and now can't wait to get moved goodvibes.gif

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